This site was created so as to promote the activity of  
“Bulgarian collegium HOSANNA”  in Bulgaria and abroad.

Христос Пантократор - Синайски манастир - IV векJesus Christ Pantokrator - Sinaia Monastery - VI century


  • To bring together the Christian community through the examples of the Orthodox culture.
  • To reach the hearts of those who still feel distant from the temple of Christ.
  • To uncover the light of the liturgical music and to ratify in our hearts our love towards God, our neighbour and all mankind.
  • This site was created so as to overcome our grief, insult, sorrow and pain through our love towards Christ and through his love towards us from which the light in the liturgy of the Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church is poured.
  • This site was created in the hope of helping all of us reside in humility, wisdom and reason, in purity and light.



Initiation of project Hosanna
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Nativity concert
Nativity concert on 07.12.2019
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Performances in Ancient Rome
Participation in the Confirmation Mass in San Lorenzo in Lucina
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